Today we will go over a few big no-no’s with respect to nutrition. Hopefully this will help you choose your food better and eat healthier.
One ounce of potato chips has 152 calories and 10 grams of fat (three grams saturated). Absolutely no nutrition to it.
If you eat just three ounces a week, in one year you'll have consumed 23,400 calories and added about seven pounds to your waistline. And that’s from just a couple handfuls – which barely constitutes a full and satisfying snack for most of us.
2. Crackers and Cookies
Crackers and cookies are made with white flour, sugar and some fat. They carry no nutrition. They can have all the way from 10 ( Cracker ) to over 150 ( large snicker doodle cookie ) calories per piece, but beware! All of it will convert into sugar in your bloodstream, and will make you gain weight. This is not even considering the toppings you might add to them such as butter, cheese, jam, etc.
White flour, vegetable shortening, white sugar… and deep-fried!
One glazed Krispy Kreme packs 200 calories and 12 grams of fat, including heart-stopping saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.
An old-fashioned cake doughnut has 300 calories, 28 grams of carbohydrates and a whopping 19 grams of fat, including 5 grams of saturated fat and 4 grams of trans fat.
Only 30% of our calories should come from fat, says the American Heart Association. That’s about 65 grams in a 2,000-calorie daily diet. What they fail to mention is, that your fat should not be saturated or trans fat.
4. Fettuccine Alfredo
Strips of pasta drenched with butter, cream and parmesan cheese – what’s not to love? How about its fat and calories! A 3-ounce serving (about the size of your fist) has 543 calories and 33 grams of fat (19 of which are saturated). A regular serving is likely to have double or triple that amount. With just this meal, Soda and likely some bread you have eaten in one meal the amount of calories you should have eatn in one day.
5. Sausages
Whether you fry them for breakfast or boil 'em in beer, sausages are a health hazard.
A single pork link packs 217 calories and 19.5 grams of fat. And who eats only one?
6. Fried Chicken
A fried chicken breast has nearly 400 calories and 22 grams of fat. And we are not considering the mashed potatoes you normally eat with eat, or even worse, the fries and sodas. Try Grilled Chicken for a much lesser amount of fat.
7. Soda
Just one bottle ( 20 onz ) of regular coke has 65g of sugar packing 240 calories all from sugar. If you only drink 2 a week ( a very little amount for the average American ) you will drink over 23,000 Calories a year just in Soda.
8. French Fries
One large order (6 ounces) of fast-food fries from a typical commercial restaurant contains roughly 570 calories, half of which are from fat. (That's probably why we love them, and usually polish off the serving!)
If your restaurant order includes a large hamburger (such as Burger King’s Whopper), tack on 670 calories and 39 grams of fat.
9. Soft White Bread ( or Tortillas )
You may as well have a candy bar. A slice of white bread offers little more than 65 calories of white flour, a simple and rapidly digested carbohydrate that causes your blood sugar to rise and crash, like any simple sugar.And, because it has so few nutrients, white bread leaves you feeling hungry for the fiber and vitamins your body needs. Again, we are not considering you will only eat one or the content of your bread ( butter, cheese, etc ). Try eating whole wheat bread. It is considerably more expensive, but well worth the investment as it packs protein, fiber and it is much more filling than the white counterpart.
10. Fried Wontons
These delicate triangles, often filled with meat, shrimp or cream cheese, are deep-fried to a crispy crunch. Often served as appetizers, these bite-size morsels seem harmless, but pop a few too many in your mouth and they’ve added up to a whole meal.
Unfortunately, just four crab and cream cheese-filled wontons have 311 calories and 19 grams of fat - too greasy a treat for anyone trying to stay fit.