On attending the 2010 American Academy of Medical Acupuncture Symposium, I happened to attend Dr. Niemtzow's presentation of Battlefield Acupuncture. He published a paper dealing with the basic principles of Battlefield Acupuncture in 2001.
This auriculotherapy technique produces a significant attenuation of pain when tiny gold ASP needles are inserted into specific points in the ear following a prescribed sequence: Cingulate Gyrus, Thalamus, Omega 2, Shenmen, and Point Zero.
When Dr. Helms, my Acupuncture Teacher began his course, back in 2004, he told us that after the course, we would never see medicine the way we used to to. And he was right, or course. Physician Acupuncturists such as myself have a broader perspective of medicine than traditionally trained docs. However, what I saw that afternoon in Orlando, Fl was very impressive. In front of hundreds of Physician Acupuncturists he did treatments on about 6 of us, pain went from moderate to severe ( variety of conditions, such as headaches and backpain ) to gone in seconds after Battlefield Acupuncture was tried on them.
At first, I was very incredulous ( I should know better by now! ). I brought the system to my acupuncture practice in Bandon and it worked like a charm. It is impressively effective in eliminating pain.
Dr. Niemtzow's explanation upon how this works is by neural pathways that actually connect the ear to the central nervous system. There needs to be further clinical trials, but the way it looks now, it does offer a great potential to help treat pain.
For more information about Battlefield Acupuncture visit us in our clinic if you live in Oregon. If not, visit your Medical Acupuncturist closer to you trained in it.
Carlos A. Suarez MD, DABMA
Visit Dr. Niemtzow's WEB: www.n5ev.com